diumenge, 21 de febrer del 2010


Si li faltaba algo al cuartelillo ara tenim un kapacorrense maratonià. La crónica escrita a http://kapacorrobodegueta.blogspot.com en quan el artista es recupere un poc.

Km. 0 Abans de la eixida

Km 13 Amb la sonrisa en la cara

Mitja Marató Tot en ordre

Km. 24 La plutja apareix

Km. 30 Comença a cambiar-li la cara

Km. 40 No coment

Km. 41 Seguim sense coments

Enhorabona campió!!!!!!!!

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

I have developed a new clean web 2.0 wordpress theme.

Has 2 colours silver and blue, has custom header(colour or image).
I am curently working on it, so if you have suggestions let me know.

You can view live demo and download from here www.getbelle.com
If you found bug reports or you have suggestions pm me.
Wish you a happing using.

many thanks to [url=http://www.usainstantpayday.com/]USAInstantPayDay.com[/url] for paying the hosting and developement of the theme
